—  About me, social media, and how to get in touch

Kim Carroll is an accomplished Director/photographer, musician, educator and adventure traveler.

Growing up in the south of Ireland, he displayed an interest in the creative arts at a young age. Known for being collaborative, optimistic, with an instinctive approach, Kim is dedicated in his pursuit to capture his subjects in an inspired way. He subscribes to the belief that each project should incorporate elements of 'purpose and poetry'.

His love of Hospitality, Travel and Lifestyle photography have led him to work globally with adventure companies, eco-lodges, and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. A lover of visual and audio storytelling, he seeks to blur the lines between the traditional and contemporary to create stories that resonate on a deeper level.

Along with recording with the London Symphony Orchestra, he has composed the music for several feature films, and has also been a featured guitarist on films such as The Chronicles of Narnia, Bridget Jones’ Diary, and The Town. Carroll has guest lectured on the creative arts at universities including UCLA, USC, in California and at UCC in Cork, Ireland.  In 2009 he was one of six to be awarded a Sundance Fellowship.

Healdsburg, California is home for Carroll and his wife where he is happiest. When he's not behind his camera, you'll find him spending time with his family, co-directing a social cause documentary film series, traveling to remote places around the world, or fly fishing anywhere he can.



Healdsburg, California
Los Angeles, California
Cork, Ireland

Music Management
KCA Music
Keith C. Anderson
tel: 818.324.9850


NPPA - National Press Photographers Association
FAA - Certified Drone Pilot
NANPA - National Association of Nature Photographers
CPS - Canon Professional Services               

Music & Film
IFTA - Voting member of the Irish Film and Television Academy
BMI - Broadcast Music Incorporated
ASCAP - American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers
Musicians Union - Local 47


Get in touch


310.365.3845 or